Mises Wire

Mises Daily: Friday, October 28, 2011

Mises Daily: Friday, October 28, 2011

“In Defense of Flash Trading” by James E. Miller

As society and technology progress, the instantaneous sharing of knowledge and information is not something to fear but to celebrate. In a world where capital moves at the speed of light, flash trading ensures that resources will continue to meet more deserving hands and be put to more efficient use.

“A ‘Grammatical’ Mishap?” by Morgan A. Brown

Is the United States, or are the United States?

“The Real Causes of America’s War: A Revisionist View” by David Gordon

All too often, America’s wars are presented as conflicts between the “good guys,” us, and the “bad guys,” our enemies.

“Refections on Education?” by Albert Jay Nock

Education can regulate what intelligence one has, but it cannot give one any more.


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