Mises Wire

The CIA And Their Magic Black Highlighters

The CIA And Their Magic Black Highlighters

You might recall this story on the presiding judge in the I. Lewis “Scooter” Libby trial ordering classified and “sensitive” documents be made available to the public.

Well, we got a glimpse of a few of them this week and as the Impeach For Peace Blog points out they are quite reminiscent of The Onion’s article from November 30th, 2005: CIA Realizes It’s Been Using Black Highlighters All These Years

Exhibit GX702 (.pdf)

Exhibit GX703 (.pdf)

Complete set of government exhibits in US v I. Lewis Libby

So much for transparency and “unclassified” documents. At least for all the taxpayers’ dollars being spent we found out that Scooter Libby met with Tom Cruise and Penelope Cruz to discuss the treatment of the Church of Scientology in Germany. And, we all know that is a matter of great import to the American people and deserves the attention of the Vice President’s chief of staff at a time of war.

In a minuscule step in the right direction, newly elected Sen. Jon Tester of Montana is now disclosing his daily schedule at the end of every business day on his web site.

Moreover, the Sunlight Foundation offered members of the public up to $1000 cash if they could persuade a member of Congress or a candidate to post their schedule on the web. No sitting member said yes, but Sunlight paid out $22,750 after 93 candidates agreed. Only one actually got elected: Rep. Kirsten Gillibrand, D-New York, whose schedule is now posted daily online [although it doesn’t seem to have an archive of the meetings for each day].

Now, if we could only get the transcripts of those meetings and many others.

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